Discover the wild with us


Big Cats

These amazing parks will bring you up close to brilliant worlds of wildlife –thousands of wildebeests rumbling forward in the Great Migration and prides of lions stalking their flow.Endangered rhinos and chimps at protected reserves, invite your gaze and delight. Great herds of towering elephants show off their immense tusks at close range. Peacefully grazing antelope, gazelle, and giraffe invite closer inspection on walking and even bicycling safaris.Picture yourself in a natural setting amongst nature’s most beautiful wildlife and we’ll take you to a park that will surpass even your imagination.



Explore new cultures and appreciate diversity. Before we reached the beach, we bought caps and swimming dresses at the shops. When we reached the beach, I was so excited because everyone was enjoying the sea. Other children were playing with sand.The beach became more splendid when the sky turned red. After six o’clock, we went to the changing room and took bath and changed our clothes because the guards did not allow us to be on the beach after sunset.


Wild Beasts

Wildebeest typically inhabit the Serengeti plains of southeastern Africa. For most of their lives, wildebeest graze in the grassy savannas and open woodlands of the plains, which straddle the nations of Tanzania and Kenya. More than 1.5 million wildebeest migrate in an enormous loop every year. The annual migration northwest, at the end of the rainy season (usually in May or June) is recognized as one of the 7 wonders of the world


Mountain Climbing

It takes five to nine days in order to reach the Mount Kilimanjaro Summit and then descend to the finishing point. The more days spent on Mount Kilimanjaro the more likely you will successfully summit, as you will become more acclimatised to the altitude and will be less fatigued.

Why travel with us



Get to travel the world and experience new places



Explore new cultures and appreciate diversity



We value our customers comfort creating a home away from home



We are a value based company and we take pride in our services

Experience The Great African Safari

National Parks contain some of the most breathtaking landscapes you will ever see. Connect with nature and see the rolling rivers and lush green canyons, colorful sandstone canyons and dramatic peaks and cliffs. Prepare to be inspired by the vast beauty that our treasured National Parks have to offer.



